Milky Way 66, Back To The Basics

We not gonna get any pvcs? @MTG_Dad were is the pvc lol

We not gonna get any pvcs? @MTG_Dad were is the pvc lol

I got a msg 5.75 days ago which was about 2.5 days into the round requesting info for PvC. The skeptic in me doesn’t quite like the smell of this but trying to give the benefit of the doubt here…

4 posts were split to a new topic: MW66 Morale Formula?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Reduce number of families in MW66?

2 posts were split to a new topic: MW66 PvC

Next mw round I hope we do 1 draft per family do we can get some competition

@rizz, I had hoped I showed you happy, with my raids?

I’d make an epic PvC, like a couple rounds back, but I spend enough time already this round on tl;dr type of posts! Only one week left anyways =P

I think the competition has been pretty good this round…

I agree blonde I hope they don’t make to many draft spots 2 is the right amount in my opinion

I like the idea of alternating between a full draft round and full random round. I’ve had a blast playing with 4 or 5 players that I have never played with before, but would also like to play with the homies again.

If we are going full random again needs to be a big focus on getting the correct number of families sorted before the round starts.

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Just an FYI, if you guys ever call me a farmer, be sure to always exclude MW round 66…think of that when you remind me of my IA-ban!

There is even music from a fan-boy!

I’m back baby, I found my favorite Texan! I’m google to tickle him like he’s Elmo! :joy:

I did not mind this round. I think the map made thing interesting. We were in a skirmish for most of the round and even when we had the chance to do infra no one knew how to build correctly anyways but other than the top two fams really everything was pretty even some were down early and came back but never really seemed like any fams really just gave up and stopped playing completely