Ok, my lotr joke is bad, but the game issues seem to be much worse now. By that i mean the lack of people actually playing.
My idea in one sentence is to work on creating another galaxy to attract vets and hopefully gather enough energy to help repopulate the community.
What is the galaxy, essentially like wow classic a classic version of ic without the game breaking bugs.
How to start it off.
Ideally we need 50 people more is always better. Goal is for these people to be leaders and recruiters for the galaxy.
Jumpstarting a new galaxy takes time with 5 rounds the goal is to be at 250 people. [100 fams of 20 would be even better]
Round 1: SS round, activity and competition check,
Each fam works on recruiting one player not currently playing.
Who to ask?, i am assuming you have friends, family, coworkers, know previous players or veterans from when the game was competitive.
Round 2: 2 player team work on recruiting one person
3, 4, 5 rinse and repeat goal is to get up to 5, minimum goals.
What if you want to play but have no experience recruiting or leading a player pool can be created and an additional slot can be added per fam as needed.
What galaxy? Mw is currently being used and can fulfill the evolving more hardcore role. That leaves some options PW or Tri would probably be a good fit for this.
Settings, tbd no need to go back to the betas but a time when the game was still thriving. Open to debate, i am always a fan of mw round 8 and after before major down turn in players.
Drafting?, it is needed for repopulation but it also has the capacity for causing issues. Always an interesting debate on if or how many.
Teams staying together for several rounds, new players being trained always seemed to be the core of what sustained the player base.