Remember the VIP tag on your family page when you donated to the game back in the day (2002 ish) bring that back!
Remember the VIP tag on your family page when you donated to the game back in the day (2002 ish) bring that back!
I do!
I also remember that fucking @daydreamer had that shit in his forum name it bugged out with him only. He had it for life in everything he posted.
Jebus… I am still jelleh at how secksy he was.
I still call out his name in bed sometimes.
12 posts were split to a new topic: I want the VIP tag!
It fucking looked like that all the time.
When he had a VIP it said it fucking twice.
I miss DD.
VIP is basically the same as the Patreon tag now. I suppose that @I_like_pie could change the Patron tag to VIP instead if he feels so inclined.
Lol @ @daydreamer’s VIPVIP. That’s pretty funny.
@RenegadeDamon makes a good point though. We have the Patreon tag in the forums now, but it doesn’t show ingame anywhere. We should bring this back, but for all titles, including the tag-point titles.
I’ve added Display community titles in the game to #roadmap:to-do, feel free to continue the convo there.
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