Should Milky Way (in general) have limited map?

I reference back to my idea here for the solution to a lot of this.

As well, I do believe that the leader and vice leaders should be able to “pull” money and resources from their fam members as a leadership action. This would help prevent the issue of players sometimes not logging on in time to aid out which, lets be honest, can ruin what would have been a good war. Hell, I believe my fam won a war a few rounds ago in which the other fam had a member that had to be hospitalized and was unable to get on and aid out or play his role. They had us outsaved actually and would have made it a fun fight.

There are a lot of different small things that could be done (by small, i mean the effects but not the time/code to implement pie :stuck_out_tongue:) to make the game smoother and simpler to play. However, I will never vote for any change that makes the game easier to play. A big part of why this game is so fun is how challenging it is. If anything, I am for making it more challenging while building the simplicity of it.