Ok so here is my idea for an updated map that I believe will solve a lot of the current problems and add some more depth to the game in the overall scheme of things.
- Look
I think the look is fine for now. If and when you can make it interesting like a 3d version then great even better. But the look of the new map isn’t terrible and the functions can work just fine in it.
- Yama/Other families/Enemies
Get rid of it entirely. Later in this post I will discuss a replacement for these items.
- Unexplored
This is fine and I do not see why it should change honestly.
- Cores
The leader should have an option in their leadership panel that allows them to input as many systems as they like for their core. When done, the core will show up in every family members map.
- Families Systems List (not your family)
This can only be done by an op. Once the op is cast on a specific family, the list for that family will appear in the map. The op is detailed further in this topic
- Plists
When a plist is done on a player, the list will automatically be sent to the map. There should be a dropdown menu which lists EVERY player in the galaxy with it ordered by family number. At first each of these plists should be empty and will populate when a plist is done. They will update each time a new plist op is successful on the same player. The person doing the plist can share with everyone in their family through a “Share Plist” button.
- Find Family Systems Op
Wizard op that generates a system list to your map and can be shared with your entire family. The cost for this op should be expensive and not easy to do (such as nukes). Cost of 50 morale per attempt and maybe 5x the normal octarine expenditure. If people want a yama, make them work for it!
- Create Planet List tool
In tools add an option to create a plist. Just paste in the list that you want and name it then populate it to the map in a dropdown menu.
Each specific list in the map should be able to be turned on/off through a command button on the map screen as well as a change color option.
Ok that is all that I can come up with for now. Overall I do think these changes would add more fluidity to the game. As well, I do not think that anything should be free in regards to information on other families. If you want a plist or system list it needs to cost you in some form to a varying degree based on the information being gathered.
Think of it this way. If I wanted to get information on a person in my city it would cost a lot less resources than if I wanted to get information on an entire company’s employees. The amount of time and effort to gather than information would be much higher. Same thing should apply to this. If your wizards are expected to search the entire galaxy and find information on an entire family it needs to be costly.