Request: Playground Round

In CLAN WARS 1 there was a points system :stuck_out_tongue:
But it was abandoned once everyone realized my fam had the win :sunglasses:
Otherwise I agree size wins Games. Just remember you need Infrastructure NW to win Wars. Other than that NW at EOR is just for show.

Issue with size for counting win is that encourages the poor behaviour that has seen the mass exodus from this game…

NW as the market for winning actually ecourages better behaviour, but less aggressive gameplay…

We need to design a scoring system somewhere in the middle, encourages good behaviour and attacking gameplay… a score based on winning wars/engagements against closely matched opponents does this… I would like some sort of ELO score, both during round for the fam and ongoing as an individual score for you the player

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Take some structure from something like fantasy football:
For a QB you have;
Passing yards: 350 (35 points)
Passing TD: 3 (6x3 18 points)
Interception: 1 (-3 points)
Sacked: 2 (-2 points)
Rushing Yards: 15 (1.5 points)
Rushing TD: 0
Fumble: 0
= 49.5 points
Now swap the stat lines for IC events

Planets Expo:
Planets Taken:
Planets Lost:
Number of aid sent:
Number of aid received:

Something to work off of possibly.

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Yes, and for example morale should be a stop to that, although it’s not working as well as we would like.
However, in the end it’s size that determines the win. NW that enables it :slight_smile:

I Like the line of thought, but disagree. These are measure that show how you played, not if you won or not. It’s like real football (or American football, or any other game).
NW is like how many passes you did, how much ball possession you had (in real football, for US: soccer, this is a big thing), how many shots on target etc.
Size is goals scored.

In the end all things show how you played, but Size is the real win.

Scoring for clan wars was neat but a bit complicated and time consuming mid round was all

I disagree if it’s not till the death siZe doesnt mean anything

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Using Discord is a mistake

Increase planet networth to 5000 each and we wont need the discussion on NW Vs Size cause Size will be Networth!!

Size wasn’t always the marker of a win, it was NW… but then people turtled too much, saved and NW jump at EOR… which is boring. So others started talking up the concept of size winning, and now that is the marker of success, but has it’s own issues… and morale limits won’t stop that, because size as a marker for the win structures gameplay to take as many planets as possible.

Maybe a better way to look at it is win is determined by skill, and skill is winning engagements with families and empires close to your level. That was what the scoring system in CW was aiming at… but of course we had to do it outside the system, so complicated

Maybe we should have a total score, being some clever equation of both :wink:

Size - NW should do it lol :wink:

We could use a normalize system?
The winner of NW gets 1000 points and the winner of size gets 1000 points
Then divide 1000 points by their number of planets and each player gets that number x their planes
Same with NW and add together
This will give you a score per planet and per NW score all based on the winners of planets and NW size
Simples :slight_smile:

May need to divide down the NW a bit as it can get quite large

Either way a winner who wins both can not get more that 2000 points and everyone else score is base on how close they are to the winner

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To me this feels like taking all kinds of stuff into account to not determine a winner by goals scored in a football (soccer) match, because scoring goals would promote ugly gameplay.

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In all cases competition involves a winner & a loser. Not everyone is going to be happy all the time no matter what is done.

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The draft thread is up!

@Swagga, you’re up first. :+1:

@The_Dr You idea seems most on mark & workable. A Size/ NW Ratio Points Base.
It might include some aforementioned things by @Bradys:




Take some structure from something like fantasy football:
For a QB you have;
Passing yards: 350 (35 points)
Passing TD: 3 (6x3 18 points)
Interception: 1 (-3 points)
Sacked: 2 (-2 points)
Rushing Yards: 15 (1.5 points)
Rushing TD: 0
Fumble: 0
= 49.5 points
Now swap the stat lines for IC events

Planets Expo:
Planets Taken:
Planets Lost:
Number of aid sent:
Number of aid received:

Something to work off of possibly."