Make War declarations public

There have been countless times where I have attacked a family only to learn they are at war with another family already. I think a cool idea would be to make war declarations public. Maybe put them over on the right side of the layout next to the universal news where it shows the recent attacks made.

Also, I think in addition to displaying the active wars for everyone to see, make it so you can click on the war and it will show the war stats… like how many attacks have been made, which family is up/down and by how many planets since war was declared.

This will help lower vulturing and take away the excuse “I didn’t know”.

I like it.

As an addition, we could also auto-create uni-news threads to encourage discussion.


This sounds very useful.






Am fine with public declarations of wars, however, am very much against the war stats being made so easily available. Doing so just makes it easier for the vultures to hover until the war has ended. This is one reason that some wars are fought rather quietly under everyone’s radar.

And yes, I understand that with the smaller player base it is not so easy to have ‘secret’ wars anymore. Changes should be made for the good of the game. The best changes are one that hold water no matter how small or how large the player base is at any given moment.

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