Greetings all!
As the leader Aurora Novum I need enough time to clear the inactives left over in my family, so they can be free to play IC as they see fit.
Considering these players wished to “never, ever! fu*king delete”, I am offering the following diplomatic solution to buy me enough time to safely remove them. Deletions are a permanent mark on on a player’s record.
48 hour nap with 3x of the following top 5 families:
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets |
1 | #6498: Sesame Street [32,49] | 1,370,415 | 362 |
4 | #6504: Galactic Failures [58,11] | 941,048 | 341 |
5 | #6491: Spammerssssss [9,29] | 846,084 | 330 |
And an additional 72 hour nap with:
9 #6496: Italian restaurant [81,12] 660,273 260
For this brief pause in this TITANIC struggle - #6503: Aurora Novum offers the following compensation:
1. Every single planet in my family except the following three systems. In the “sprit” of the round setup I am suggesting “3 Cores”. (Whatever the hell they are, if I figure it out, I will share this information with all.)
A. 86,35 (Our Home System). -3 planets swap out.
B. 81,27 A system I am in alone. -0 planet swap out.
C. 79,27 A system I am in alone. -0 planet swap out.
I will take the planets from the members of the family that wish to pursue other paths for play, and explore the rest for you noble warriors personally.
That should (by the now understood contemporary use of the term “Swap-out”) net your three families:
- 3 planets from “swapping out” our 3 “Cores” Two of which you are not in.
+40p or so from my family’s current planet list.
+35 or so for whatever Exploration ships that remain.
+72 (ish) planets for a NAP for 3 “Swapouts” & to stop declaring war on me.
This is the best offer I can possibly make at this time.
I suppose I could build a few more Eships in the coming days if this is not high enough.
I would like to retain this much sprawling territory incase an actual new player come alone to replace well known players and patrons we have lost over this epic struggle, worthy of a CF break - it gets close sometimes gentleman, fear and lust are powerful motivators. I will be able to at least show a new person some of the intricacies of family play.
I have been told that is “good for the game”, and been judged “bad for the game” I humbly defer to the experts in such matters in the aforementioned families as they are set up as both arbiters and extolers of such wisdom.
To whit:
@Picklearmy @Airwing
I, never being put in this situation, (lor anything even close to it) have never seen the term “Swapout” used this way. Perspective takes many forms in this game. This tactic (procedure?) as it is commonly known now would have never been an acceptable demand in any situation of which I have ever been a part of. It would have been simply known as “demanding planet compensation”. Sure you might “get your core back”, but in the end you are paying planets to stop a war.
In the first 1-20 (ish) MW rounds, the community would have torn apart any family within our power that whipped a family as bad as we were whipped, and demanded a damn thing other than peace.
Statistics Thank you @TIF :
If you prefer families:
A bit of fun:
What I think a lot of this may have been about, and to put this issue to rest:
If 72p for 3p isn’t enough of an offer for you guys coupled with the retirement of The Horde brand, I retain the right to become an insane pain your asses for the remainder of the round.
With dignity,