I’m working on fixing up the issues from Tri 28, but in the meantime I can use assistance testing the recent tech overhaul. For those unfamiliar, there is an upgrade in progress that is going to enable much easier development on my side.
That means quicker bug fixes, bigger gameplay improvements, and more.
However, it needs to be hit hard with testers! Like really hard.
There aren’t any huge functional differences, it’s more just sanity checks to make sure all the normal stuff still works as expected. I’ve tested a bunch and things are looking pretty great so far, but this is where I need your help.
The more eyeballs we have on this the faster we can safely release this upgrade, which will unlock a bunch of other great stuff for us.
The Dev Server is open, and running 2-minute ticks with 10 families of 10.
Feel free to post any bugs you find here. Any/all help is appreciated.
Report Tally
= pre-existing production bug, will fix after the upgrade.
I guess we are posting them in here. This is a repost from the discord, to keep them all in place:
This is on the “Test Galaxy 2” galaxy.
Resources don’t go down (or at least, there’s something weird going on with them). Note the octarine in these tests. Soul also tested this out alongside me, at the time, and found odd results as well. The first two of the following screenshots are my neighbouring ticks and the following set of three are Soul’s neighbouring ticks:
You can also see in Soul’s images that the first two of their screenshots, none of the values changed, not just the octarine. I did not experience that for that tick, but I did still have the octarine issue and I am still continuing to see 199 octarine with (-1) today (a long time after these tests were performed).
Head to your family, click your empire and that screen loads up with the information. I’d have figured it would either send you to your HQ page instead of load this up, or it would just disable the block/message buttons on this page (so that you can still bookmark yourself (as a related tangent, this could also just be removed since you could set it to always show yourself in bookmarks))
go to miltary enter coords from another galaxy… for example 33,22:3 select any op. destroy iron - trigger, You have encountered a game error. If the problem persists, mention it in the Bugs forum.