Top family's and leaders

Whether its shameless self promotion or those people who pummeled you every round, which ones would make the list?


For the past two rounds, most def favorite fam was Darrk’s bringers v16.4Pens and Noir/NW fam. before that; since i came back in MW 64 some of my favorite fams would have to be Lethal Threat (MW 65), the Mods (MW 66), The family, and Make our fam great again (MW67) For the Horde (MW69) IC mafia (MW70), and The big hunt (MW 72). All those fams were really memorable for me.

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in terms of leaders, some of my favorites are Darrk, NW, Noir, Hala, Hydro P, Genesis, Cells (when he wants), TBO, Scorp (also when he wants), Ordos (the diplo God) and myself (the one an only IC king).

Also a cool thread to check out similar to this if you have not already:

List one of your GOATs

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Well, no one. I believe anyone can lead and have a great fam under the right circumstances.
That’s why I thoroughly enjoyed randoming into a family and seeing whatever happens…

Next, it’s just being active… But I’ve hardly ever met a player anymore who led a fam to greatness.
Even with various new strategies, there’s always chance and (bad) luck in the mix.
Which is also what makes this game fun in the end.

So yes, I’ve played with great people. But no, none of them alone made the difference.
A family is a family. None that really stood out.


Heil Schniepel, Heil Schniepel, Heil Schniepel!!!


I agree with this. It’s not just about how good the leader is, and Darrk always preaches that. If you get good players, that are active and won’t quit or nothing serious happens, y’all can have a great round. On the other hand I have led fams with great players but because of circumstances, we didn’t have a great Round…that’s why for me the fams are always more memorable then who is leading…

But also @Mrblonde , to completely say that no one can lead a fam to greatness anymore is not completely true…I think last round we saw that exact thing happen where Scorp too his family from the bottom to top 3 and either the same round or before that Cells did something similar, and a few rounds back the IC God of attacking WS, Did that with 3 people where he stayed top 5 and even out attacked my fam with two attackers ( to be fair we were also fighting his allies who were more than two times bigger than us)…so there are rare circumstances, but to defend your point no one has done that and won.

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P.S. i am not idolizing anyone or trying to toot anyones horn, I am just giving some recognition to the fams and their people.

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Its just a fun little topic to get people posting

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Fallen angel was my favorite leader to play under back in the day.

In the last few years id have to say tommy being an active leader was the most impressive thing I’ve seen in years of ic. He planed jumps days a head of time and had all math calculated and everything planned to the tick and wrote down so each player clearly new what to do at all times. He went above and beyond.

That being said to win a round its not the leader its the family like blonde said, but a leader can direct them in the right path.

Orbit was and is and will always be the best leader. End of discussion


I understand having favs…

I don’t remember Scorp carrying a bunch of inactive morons to top 3 at all, seems fabricated.


Lol scorp is worst leader ive played under in years, no organisation, no planning , just wants to attack bottom fams, scared of stronger fams , non stops keeps mentioning and suggesting he needs alllies and market funding to


The rounds i remember to be my nicest in the past had all been led by orbit or broker.

the best round i recently played was probably CW1, which was totaly fam driven so even a fool like me could lead that bunch of “max. solid support players” to victoreeh.

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Yeah we need CW back desperately


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