Special Round Feature

Well it seems the random events / galactic events have vanished now? Which is good.

However, I’m wondering if it would possible to create a special galaxy feature or round feature.

For example…

Round 20: For that round everyone gets +10% Attack.
Round 21: For that round everyone gets +10% Income.
Round 22: For that round everyone gets +10% Magic.
Round 23: For that round everyone gets +10% Science.
Round 24: For that round everyone gets +10% Population.
Round 25: For that round everyone gets +10 Speed.

The scale could perhaps be +10% or +20% to a random attribute.

Rather than having random effects popping up we just have 1 overall benefit per round, which potentially could make each round a little different from the last.

I think by adding this feature where we got 10 or 20% to a random attribute for the round would perhaps create some fun rounds. Like high attack rounds / banker race rounds / population growth races / special operations rounds and so on.

I like it because all the core mechanics stay the same but it adds a bit of… RANDOM!

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Variety pack!