How about a galaxy that runs for two weeks, which can be used purely for econ races?
It would give players the chance to test and validate starting strategies, along with focussed training for new players on some key concepts.
Typically, there’s only a chance to test a starting strategy once ever MW round. It would be great to do this more frequently - and add some competition to it.
We have HC galaxies for attacking… here’s one for HC growth/econ!
I would love a no attack short race galaxy. With 1 or 5 min ticks we could run it over a weekend. We should set a goal for winning though. NW or highest income, or something.
I think it would also be really interesting to throw in some curveball starts, like starting with zero iron and endu. Then everyone would need to come up with completely new ideas.
SO… I’d like to ask current #manthano-3 players what they would think of something like this.
It would not be hard at all to scrap the current galaxy and replace it with a second round-based econ-only galaxy. It would mean ending #manthano-3 as a permanent galaxy though.