Poll for Andro SoR Bug

@Cells i’m not sure what an old-school rollback means, but any rollback would require a more recent database backup which we don’t have. :frowning: This bug happening so early in the round is both a blessing and a curse.

I hear ya guys though, and @Hala @Funeral I don’t take it as at all disrespectful. I understand the reality that players will move on. You’re right that you do deserve the best option, and right now unfortunately these are the best options. @Funeral those playstation games were made with a budget and generated revenue. Neither of those things are true for us, which is why when things go wrong here it hurts us so badly.

Unfortunately even having a second in command requires oversight, and I don’t even have time for that currently. I have just enough time to keep in contact with @Soull but he isn’t here to fill a technical role.

Even the contract developer I was working with, as great as he was, would not be a good fit for this need and even if he was I was paying him and am not currently able to pay people either.

So what we need is a person with full access to the server, who is experienced, trustworthy, available “on call”, and willing to work for free. That isn’t realistic, and even if it was I wouldn’t have time to search for them or even interview them.

For some context, I dealt with this issue at 2am while half asleep and recovering from a restless night due to other issues. I’m not saying this to pat myself on the back or to ask for sympathy: I am pointing out that nobody else is going to do that for free. We’re fortunate that the bug is even fixed right now and was resolved within 4 hours of it being reported. It could have easily gone unlooked at until I heard from @Soull. In retrospect, that should have been what happened so that @Soull could get used to being the point person.

I shouldn’t even be here in the forums right now but I’m trying hard to squeeze in a few minutes so you guys aren’t totally in the dark.

You guys are 100% correct on how bad this seems, and it very much reflects how bad it is that it’s all dependent on me personally. I had been working towards autonomy so as to avoid this problem and we have made some progress (family surrender ending a galaxy, for example) but for emergency and unexpected bugs like the one that just happened we don’t have a better option.

I’d like to look at finding more help come March, but for the time being I will effectively be a ghost. I expect players will leave over it but I have to worry about other priorities in my life. Hopefully things will change for the better in a month but I can’t guarantee it.


Old school rollback:


If we do the roll-back… can we get community support for more drafts to do our own placements? Or is changing the draft slots more work than it is worth?

Starting fresh isn’t the worst, and even those that were back can have fun with new people - it was always the allure of classic-IC

I say scrap the round and let leaders full draft there fam back then if not keep it the same i guess
… don’t punish us for system bugs lol those three options you gave suck haha not giving hard time just looking for better options

And as for old school roll back I just ment the simple solution we used 1000 times before by setting it back a few hours lol
we never had to choose from a list of bad options before lol thats all I ment by old school roll back

You never got to pick… That is correct

Old school roll back in this case is option 2 or 3… the backup to rollback to is from before round opening… so old fashioned roll back has option of giving no pre-round time or a shorter round with standard pre-round

Actually old roll back just went back x amount of ticks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ya tbo lol never needed to with a few tick roll back fix it was the perfect fix to these issues

@Cells it isn’t possible. It would require a copy of the database from a few ticks before the bug happened.

We don’t have that, so rolling back a few ticks can’t be done.

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Simplest option with the least amount of headache is to end round and start new one…

This needs an !!

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This point does seem to be lost on some

There you have it, The tribe has spoken!!! You cant turn back time but you can turn back your attitudes!!! Does this mean there is no planet cap??? @I_like_pie @Soull


We’re keeping things as is, no restart. That option was ahead at the 24 hour mark:

I am hearing that we should count that vote that came in after 24 hours, that we should not count it, that we should keep the poll open, and that we shouldn’t have had the poll to begin with.

We need to move forward, not debate this forever. 24 hours marked the decision, we’re not restarting.

Thank you all for your feedback.