We’ve updated the rules accordingly:
In the interest of players knowing for future rounds, the 3 players who were caught were @HydroP, @Odenheim (Hellz), and @WhiteShadow.
I doesn’t bring me any joy to disclose names, but other players should know this for future reference, especially if they are on the same team so that they can assess risk accordingly.
Cheating sucks, please don’t do it. Your reputation will be tarnished.
I’d like to also point out that we should think before judging too harshly; some of the players involved in the reporting were themselves blocked and deleted within the last year for their own violations. I myself at one point was also blocked for multi accounts.
That doesn’t excuse or justify the actions here, but I don’t think these players should be ostracized. They should, however, hopefully learn from this if they decide to return to the game.