Milky Way 57 Old-school setup!

Already been changed - minimum 4 - check pie’s comment with the link to poll

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It’s been tried multiple times :stuck_out_tongue:

If we’re interested in competition, the answer has always seemed to be an increased number of smaller families. Heck look at me right now, there’s no legit competition there and there’l are twice the families as this proposal.


The issue with this round was that pretty much only 1 team picked who they had in fam - it was pickle, darrk and his girlfriend - then got super lucky to have actives - with the playground style choosing players the number of fams can be smaller because chosen players will more than likely be active (if not then why choose them?)

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Actually, Pickle was a random join this round.

I was just gonna draft Zal, and play as classic team with her.

Then PA popped into zeh fam, I simply dumped leader onto his desk.

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Ahh, so super lucky

A 2 family round has been tried multiple times?

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Correct. Gwynn ran a Green vs Red round a while back as a Christmas Gimmick (crashed and burned), there was a set up with two…I think 18 man fams (playground style), about 4 years ago… (dumpster fire). One family inevitably gets an early lead which discourages the other, and the round is over before it gets started.

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We just discussed this on the radio, this idea is not finalized so there’s still time to discuss. Regardless, we’ll have at most as many families as we have potential captains, which is 3 atm.

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I dunno if i should throw my hat in the ring… kinda undecided if i wanna play next round… how about anyone else wanna lead??

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