Thread for you here. I would suggest giving it a read and asking yourselves if you are contributing to the decline of the game through your actions or whether you actually don’t give a shit and just want to win at the expense of making the player base smaller. congrats
If i had to make a post every time someone screwzd me over I would be very active here past few rounds ago. And don’t get me wrong I feel bad if a mere raid makes people quit a game that has conflict in its name. All I see here is a conflict and a battle. As long as you don’t give up there is always a next battle, war, round. Anyways sad to see you go. And that is honest and sincere. And it might sound harsh but the fams that had me have got worse then what happened to yours now, never was the sign to quit IC though.
This is all why we should come up with the guidelines for the round before the round starts, so we can all sign into the expected code of behaviour
a massive raid is always shitty, esp. when it is from someone you expected to be NAPed. That said, I also see nothing and have heard nothing that suggested there was a NAP in place… So is a bit of a grey area (in terms of NAP break)
The raid itself, I haven’t looked at # of planets involved… but was top 2 fams, so really with what I am talking about, less than an issue… if it was 78 raiding 79 it would be a different story… but we are not aiming for Imperial Care Bears, so some conflict needs to be kept, and deception is key to a war strategy.
Thirdly, if the actions are so bad they make people leave, then we do need to review those actions, and see if they were beyond what we want (not that “we” as a community have agreed to anything)
Completely agree and if it was fair and just; I’ve been raided fairly in the past before and held my hands up… then I’d have been fine with it (not fine but certainly a case of regroup and fight back at some point in the future); but in this episode it’s not the case.
If it was a just and fair attack then Orbit, MTG and myself wouldn’t have just upped and quit. And let’s not leave out the fact that Rawr decided he wanted to portal next to our home system during the 4 days no attack phase. Again, it’s not defined in law to not do this but it’s a pretty shit thing to do. Just as in the so called ‘deception’ of what we were under the impression of as being a NAP. Sure, nothing was officially signed (because Rawr deliberately took ages to remove defences from aforementioned portal next to our home system) but generally if planets are explored and given as payment then it’s usually FOR A NAP agreement, which was ready to be signed as soon as both parties were finished passing planets.
Now of course, they will all come in here and explain that it wasn’t an official NAP and nothing was signed; but that’s just their collective agreement to absolve themselves of wrongdoing. They KNOW what they did was shitty, and whatever their motivations are then congrats, you won but the three of us have left because we don’t want to be a part of a game where this sort of stuff happens.
Sure, it’s a conflict game but more enjoyable (it IS also a game) for everyone when some sort of honour or code is kept to. I, and Orbit I know rejoined for something to do during lockdown. Now I’ll have to find something else I guess.
I think the question is if they knew you thought it was a NAP or not… if they did then it is all shitty, if they thought you knew it was just planet swaps then that is not really their fault.
Personal aside, not sure about the rest of that fam but my dealings with TBO have always been fair and clear, so not sure here. My own dealings with him this round indicated that he never thought he had a NAP with you, or that there was any thought of a NAP
They knew, but they’ll deny it. Probably also speaks volumes that TBO isn’t their leader anymore and their Fam name is now ‘Pubs closed due to Covid’ - seems fair and ‘well-spirited’ to me.
Kingray I don’t know how this is relevant to the current situation. If you are insinuating that we somehow deserved this based on previous dealings you’ve had with me or anyone else in the family then you’re part of the problem.
Whether rightly or wrongly, we trusted that a nap was in place. Rawr decided he wanted to win by any means and you know what, fine - if that’s what you want to do and if people in here applaud that and thinks it’s right and just then fine that’s grand. But with an ever declining player base, there are clearly enough of us in our family that have totally disagreed with what’s gone on to the point they have also taken leave - so that’s our round finished. Because of what as far as I am concerned was a cheap shot.
Mate even your own family agrees that you didn’t arrange a nap with TBO, nor was there any mention of one. “It wAs imPlieD ThOuGh”, if it was then it was so subtle that none of us picked up on it. But it is what it is, next time maybe Aeon won’t run his mouth without being able to back it up, since apparently it caused his family to desintegrate
For the future, I would recommend not slipping in the comfortable victim role and that goes for all of you, it’s a game and conflict is a part of the game. It’s fine if you want to camp the forums and make a public ordeal about it, but you messed up and it’s time you own up to it instead of pointing fingers.
I know you like to keep mentioning people playing the victim role, you can project your own insecurities on others all you want. You are reknowned for being incredbily hot-headed for no reason; or from a very small spark. Your bravado and macho-man persona doesn’t wash with me and no matter what you say, the way you have acted this round is genuinely ridiculous. Overly agressive for no reason and you were annoyed that we made you have to give up the portal next to our home system so you decided to do the dirty on us because a nap hadn’t been officially signed.
Its time you owned up that you knew you couldn’t beat us head on so decided to cheat to win. I know you were desperate to be in our family so spent your round trying to prove you were better off without us; because you were desperate for my approval. Well there you go, well done Rawr you win I am very proud of you x
Sorry I can’t provide much more entertainment; will be off. Also Rivan thanks for your fleet sender tool; it was a life saver now that the other went down!