I Will Not Pay

Sorry this upsets you :star_struck::kissing_heart:

I got one question… When did the word fourthly get scrapped from the Dictionary?

When cells decided it did?

Lol that’s what I thought, I think he’s as delusional as swagga.

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I have a question as well, why do you guys take everything so seriously and get so butt hurt then blame others for your emotions :stuck_out_tongue:

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Which imo is ironic, because if you can take a Dick, you should be able to take a joke! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The only bit we took seriously is winding you up. And your still biting hahahaha

I think I can understand. He probably left you guys butt hurt and you been feeling like a crusty dried up jizz sock left in the corner?
I completely understand now why you guys take this so serious! Admitting it is the first step to complete recovery. You’ll get there, just hang in there @willoleary! =P


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What I’m butt hurt about is how cells stalled us so much we couldn’t gain in a reasonable time.

You do what with a rubber chicken? … gross…

Lol seems your butt hurt about many things. Quit running to forum and having a hissy fit, no one but you guys took this seriously and were all just toying with you and having a very large laugh at your expense. so no need to be so depressed and upset.


I assume you are in 42? You got a 20% planet and NW gap with the 2nd fam and you are butt hurt about stalled growth? You got issues bro! Luckily you can have a group discussion with your family members. I hear you are nothing butt buddies right? =D :boom:

Go play Manthano! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hahahaha are you serious? have you ever heard of sarcasm?

Your family has been crying for about two weeks now so I’m sure he just can see past the sarcasm.

:fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish:

Oh this is still a thing?


It depends on how you use it…people do not always use fourthly in modern day diction becuase of how broken grammar is today…

In that case after the First, secondly, thirdly, you would put fourthly.

If you were just listing something outside of the plural context it would be fourth.

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That’s sucks…well, back to my busy life.

My thread/war lasted longer anyway…it was better Nad more fun