Our recent 2-Week Plan is coming to a close and I’m happy to say progress is going well.
It will soon be time to shift away from stabilization and onto actual game features. Here are a few considerations for things we can work on, taken from recent discussions:
This can be feedback, ideas, suggestions, or anything you can think of that would improve your playing experience. Nothing is too big or too small.
We won’t necessarily be committing to everything on this list; rather, it will be used as a gauge of what is important to the players. From that, we will define, break down, and prioritize the work for the next 2-Week plan.
Can you add some sort of political map thingy at the end of the round like I pretended to do for Andro43 (albeit screwing up the title by putting Andro44). But would be cool to have a way to review the round showing the rise and fall of families, and conflict zones
Or maybe just an easier way to put it all together, a way to get the family systems and getting them into a map image. My process is a bit long
Use Family Systems in tools sidebar
Get each families system list and copy and paste it into a spreadsheet which adds :99 to the end
Copy and paste :99 list to IC Map, where each fam has a number of lists so they all have vaguely different colours based on IC Map’s 7 options
Take a screenshot of the map and paste it into 3d paint then draw borders and colour in the insides
Do this as often as I can be bothered and save it as a new file
At end of the round take all images and use windows photo editor to create a montage video and add commentary
Make portal cost the same for single built from planet page (which includes NW penalty) vs multi built from planet listing (which exlcludes NW penalty)
Add a possiblity to add notes to a planet. For example to identify transfers, or what to built easily
Standardized coordinates format, request from years ago… (November 2017)
I think I even formulated it nicely back then, because I believe there are like 5 different ways coordinates are formatted in the game. Sometimes it suddenly uses different characters to seperate X and Y etc.
Which eventually all impacts the way internal tools work as well; as you have to manually re-format it (like distance checker, and old map tool).
Our planet 9 at x:99, y:99 was attacked by PLAYER
We have built X Buildings on 99,99:9.
We have explored the planet 9 in the 99:99 system.
PLAYER explored planet 9 in the 99,99 system.
One of our fleets has reached its destination for attack on planet 9 in the 99:99 system.
Just a few examples… Especially the switch from a comma between X and Y in one news message to a colon to separate those in another is very awkward.