I’m sure this has been mentioned before but…
I’m all for 2 evolves per round instead of one and there are reasons for this!
Basically, you could say that sometimes IC seems to have problems with inactive accounts joining rounds, spy accounts and people just messing around joining rounds.
Well as explained before its a real drag having to wait 48 hours to remove these people when they log in once every 24 hours. Sure they don’t do anything, the just log in to waste your family an entire slot.
The point I’m trying to make is when you random into families you are never sure if the players you have landed with are going to be active / real / fake accounts / people messing about, ect.
I have noticed in some cases people can even become blocked / banned meaning a family member could suddenly vanish or fall inactive. This is like starting a round as an attacker or special ops then suddenly your banker vanishes, goes inactive, turns out to be a fake account and suddenly your left with no choice but to change your race and use your 1 evolve which then leaves you stuck.
The two possible options I see for this are:
A: Free Change: We can change our empire settings 2 days after the round has started. I would maybe consider changing this to 3 or 4 days. This would allow a player 3 or 4 days to figure out how active this family is going to be before using their free change, which leaves them 1 evolve.
B: Evolve: Leave the changing empire setting at 2 days and just give 1 extra evolve instead.
This obviously doesn’t stop inactive players and fake accounts joining the round but it does help those players who find them stuck with inactive players that round.
The safer option of the 2 would probably be to change the 1 free change as the round starts. Increase that from 2 days to like 4 days and that should be more than enough to figure out who will be active and what you actually need to play.
I have found in some cases inactive players will send the first 8 ships and then do nothing else, given 3 or 4 days it might be enough time to figure things out better and settle on what the family needs.