Id say your girl but like the Disney song from mulan goes the only girl who would love you is your mother😂 lol no hard feelings i still love ya wolf
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Are we fucking 12?..
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Both of you dumb fucks
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Who is down for the remake?
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Tbo, wolf and I are not at all being serious and actually fighting lol
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Im actually excited to see the remake haha just watched the first one for the first time in well over 10 years with the kids today. I paid for Disney + and were having an old disney marathon tonight
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I know Cells😛
Yeah we were just joking @TheBigOne
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Lol had me worried lots of people take my trolling and jokes seriously haha i new wolf wasnt what so ever but wanted to clear the air just incase hahaha
Lighten up peeps- I like seeing players bonding… What a magical moment in time… 2020
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