Didn’t realise honour had gone #7226

If I were you I’d talk to Daffy, but have it your way :fireworks: :fire: :wink: :fire: :fireworks:

The winky face made that a little creepy, ngl


Ahh good old IC, aint the same without someone being awkward and cringey. Love it

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You vets have set a great example, Thank you :sunglasses:

Just don’t go too overboard with the examples :wink:

I’m to busy taking your planets to worry about it


This has been fun.

Just so that we’re all on the same page… this is a game, right? So we’re all just being playful, and no one is actually taking this personally? Good.

Of course mate! I am too embroiled in arguments on twitter to take any of this seriously and/or personally :joy:

World cup winning legend

I just said i sent you leader a message. 2x’s is enough i’m not going to beg for a nap from anybody enough said.

good- please feel free to do what you need to do. I’m sure Daffy’s on top of it

I love all you guys. There’s something so invigorating about clean, old fashioned trash-talk.

Literally cant beat it mate

Have we hit the yo’ momma insults yet? :smiley:

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give it time

Yo momma’s so dumb, she does transport runs.

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