Listening to the Hangouts #1-3, is a fun thing to kill time with at work with … and i truly think its a good thing, its entertaining.
But, What the fuck, Almost every singel topic is NEW-ish IC… and things are so vauge its impossible to see any direction its basicly a brainstorming session of what imaginary IC could be sometime in the future with new features and what not if we had the money and if we there is time ever to make it… etc etc. and thats a good thing i guess?
What about a plan and a discussion now to try increase the player amount round by round… with small active measures … we gotta be able to seperate between small picture and big picture? Everything cant be big picture?
Why are we not able to say STOP, next round there is no alliances or UA alowed… do we realy need to reprogram the whole game first? why can there not be a temp solution ?
So to the last drop.
I lead a fam in MW this round to the top with minimal effort, we basicly did nothing other than some agressive diplo and shady tactics by exploiting UA and Named feature… after 5 weeks. 2 of 5 weeks saving and building up for this last EOR war… The time was finaly here to jump fleets and have at it. But wait!!! there is implemented a rule with 25% attack stop so you cant attack anyone after u jump fleet since most will be less than 25 % of a jumped attacker… so 90% of the enemy fam was untoucable.
AGAIN ? Yes unfortuantly again there is untested feature implemented into the game.
I am getting abit tired of being this test rat for new features.
I am here to play IC, not to be disappointed by new features that could have been tested and given some thought before implemented…time after time.
25% attack stop
named play
Free yama.
Attack bug
The list of shitty features right now is too overwhelming . and the fact that we cant even get imo the core game aka attack formula operating to even out som of the imbalance is mind boggling…
The player pool is grown ups mostly, there is no need for a perm ingame solution to end the UA policy temporary. Some ground rules and willingness to play by them would go along way. no doubt.
After listeing to the hangouts which is a fun listen i must say, i am even more convinced now than ever that next round will be the same shit show again.
We will go back to 8 e ships a day. we might have some smaller fams, but there is no interest in even looking at the underlying issues like UA etc…couse what if somone breaks the rules what than ? isnt it better to have somone breaking the rules and have a fun round than shitty rounds , round after round after round?
Taking a long break … i’ll be back next winter.
When core players like @SCORP , @TheBigOne @YoungWolf_WiLd , @OrBit
@Remo @Lord_Pickle @DustyAladdin . deletes from MW. its not Drama, its a HUGE sign that somthing is WAY off… and its not 8 e ships a day.