Choose Your Own Adventure

Galaxy openings will be announced soon, and I’ll link them here when ready.

As a heads up though before you join, we will actually be opening up 3 galaxies. Non-Patrons will be able to choose 2 of 3, and Patrons as usual can play in as many as they’d like. $1 will get you Patron status, but more is obviously welcome. :slight_smile:

We will also be doing an email blast, and spending some money on paid ads. We should expect a bump in both returning oldbies and also newbies.

As for the galaxies:

  • Milky Way 69 will follow MW68’s setup.

  • Infinitum will finally open up.

    • Given that it will never end or restart, this will be the only chance to take part in its formative history.
    • It will have a 300x300 map (9x MW size) and start with 200 spots, and no families.
  • Supernova 39 will also open.

    • It will return to its roots and shed the recent assimilation experiments.
    • Anonymous play will be allowed here, for those who would prefer to play low key.
    • It will be a very small galaxy, with a 50x50 map and limited to 25 players.

Full details coming soon, but for now you may want to consider which feels right for you and your pals. :slight_smile:

Alright, the galaxies are open! You have 3 very different options, enjoy!