69 VS 67 War Time

Not true! We were going to take them on…but I had other plans. :stuck_out_tongue::wink: @HydroP additionally after being in second for so long my fam had the same reasoning you did.

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Someone has to take over the tickly stat posts, I am on my phone for a few hours and it looks “blobby”.

/kicks can

Would have been cool to see this implemented Make War declarations public

Would be interesting to see details of their war.

We will see if the all ground fleets of 69 prevail against the nonexistent fleets of 67 :slight_smile:


Oh my…I would not underestimate them… especially since we almost lost 50+ planets to a fam with less fleet than us :joy::joy:. I said ALMOST…:wink:

looks like a decent fleet to me :smiley:
1 Netscape Lilliput 3,839,501 81

Don’t tell anyone, but it’s 90% bombers and transports

Rank Family Networth Planets
1 #6367: Internet Browsers to Play IC [55,54] 13,905,233 1,047
3 #6369: The Horde [85,48] 12,562,795 1,019
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66 planet(s) captured by Garrosh_Hellscream (100 %) (26 retakes).
42 planet(s) captured by Nazgre (100 %) (1 retakes).
27 planet(s) captured by Guldan (100 %).
10 planet(s) captured by Sylvanas (100 %) (10 retakes).

145 from #6367

We overwhelmed the enemy 145 times. 1 families and 144 planet(s) involved.
We actually gained 97 planet(s) in total. Unfortunately they managed to retake 47.

  • BLOW-UPS -

1 planet(s) from Sylvanas have been blown up.

List of destroyed planets:


34 planet(s) lost by Sylvanas
25 planet(s) lost by Nazgre
15 planet(s) lost by Garrosh_Hellscream
9 planet(s) lost by Guldan
6 planet(s) lost by Durotan_Exposed

89 to #6367

We have been beaten 89 times. 1 families and 88 planets involved.
We actually lost 52 planet(s) in total. At least we were able to retake 36.

Rank Family Networth Planets
1 #6367: Internet Browsers to Play IC [55,54] 13,578,068 1,145
2 #6368: Heroes in a Half Shell [32,3] 12,789,562 752
3 #6369: The Horde [85,48] 11,893,831 915
4 #6363: Simply us [32,78] 10,712,080 1,039
5 #6366: The Hundred Acre Wood [6,95] 10,177,188 773
6 #6370: The Family [81,97] 9,454,226 743
7 #6371: Masters of the Universe [15,24] 7,466,864 785
8 #6362: Make Our Family Great Again! [89,23] 7,276,514 832
9 #6361: Naruto’s guild [39,27] 5,307,202 617
10 #6364: Christmas is Over [12,48] 4,989,978 575
11 #6360: Spectre [81,73] 3,393,142 455

this dosent look good for the horde

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We’re holding our own AW.

And we have accomplished our two goals of stopping the Goliath from running away from everyone and the fun of taking on the top dogs instead of picking on smaller fams. I think 67 would agree we’ve been a tough adversary


I don’t think anyone would disagree with the fact its been a blast, and lots of fun!


Honestly it has been a fun war so far. Lots of planets on both sides swapping hands over and over with plenty of infra dead.

Mistakes on both sides as well keep it interesting. And both fams trying to figure out how to come up with cash to upkeep attackers while also build new fleet for defense on bankers/ressies.

Couldn’t ask for a better tick based war than this honestly. Most are dreadfully slow with 30-40 planets passing around.

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142 planet(s) captured by Garrosh_Hellscream (100 %) (72 retakes).
64 planet(s) captured by Nazgre (100 %) (5 retakes).
43 planet(s) captured by Guldan (100 %).
10 planet(s) captured by Sylvanas (100 %) (10 retakes).

255 from #6367
3 from #6362
1 from #6361

We overwhelmed the enemy 259 times. 3 families and 248 planet(s) involved.
We actually gained 141 planet(s) in total. Unfortunately they managed to retake 107.

  • BLOW-UPS -

7 planet(s) from Sylvanas have been blown up.


90 planet(s) lost by Varok
49 planet(s) lost by Nazgre
48 planet(s) lost by Garrosh_Hellscream
34 planet(s) lost by Sylvanas
20 planet(s) lost by Guldan
6 planet(s) lost by Durotan_Exposed

243 to #6367
3 to #6361
1 to #6362

We have been beaten 247 times. 3 families and 239 planets involved.
We actually lost 160 planet(s) in total. At least we were able to retake 79.

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For the record, the site that does the analyzing is not entirely accurate but it does paint a good overall picture.


Slow war. Lots of damage done on both sides. Kudos to 67 for not folding. Zero and Netscape have done exceptionally well!

Looks like its gonna be a dragged on war. But its fun!

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Being down with planets at first days is more than okay :slight_smile: Wanted to point out MW64 war, when we fighted with 2 families. Good wars go for days, sometimes for weeks

Here are good overview done by TIF:

24 hour update

Rank Family Planets Networth
1 We Are TheOne (6150) [102,5] 2455 (-166) 79447857 (-35863154)
3 Randoms at war (6153) [113,56] 1035 41953279
4 AOTP: In Death Reborn (6144) [12,30] 1967 (+106) 35824902 (-39961366)

48 hour update

Rank Family Planets Networth
1 We Are TheOne (6150) [102,5] 2604(-17) 67936646 (-47374365)
3 AOTP: Through Blood By Thunder (6144) [12,30] 1914(+53) 37188871 (-38597397)
5 Randoms at war (6153) [113,56] 945(-90) 20555920 (-21397359)

Update After 72 hours

Rank Family Planets Networth
1 We Are TheOne (6150) [102,5] 2609 (-12) 64243465 (-51067546)
3 AOTP: Through Blood By Thunder (6144) [12,30] 1917 (+56) 33980180 (-41806088)
5 Randoms at war (6153) [113,56] 952 (-83) 21071401 (-20881878)

96 hour update

Rank Family Planets Networth
1 We Are TheOne (6150) [102,5] 2677 (+56) 63746655 (-51564356)
3 AOTP: When Crows Descend Upon (6144) [12,30] 1901(+40) 31064525 (-44721743)
6 Randoms at war (6153) [113,56] 895(-140) 20008353 (-21944926)

Final Stats

Rank Family Planets Networth
2 We Are TheOne (6150) [102,5] 2952 (+331) 69948745 (-45362266)
5 AOTP: Dump The Clip (6144) [12,30] 1757 (-104) 22706422 (-53079846)
6 Randoms at war (6153) [113,56] 736 (-299) 21543742 (-20409537)

But good luck to both sides, dont give up :slight_smile:

From number one fam down to number three ha ha.

We are accomplishing our goal.

We have ZERO plans to stop unless our demands are met for we are THE HORDE…

|1|#6368: Heroes in a Half Shell 13,265,390. 760

|2|#6366: The Hundred Acre WOOD 13,139,668.

|3|#6367: Internet Browsers to Play IC 12,894,886. 1,109

|4|#6369: The Horde 11,585,075. 955

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