Public trust stats and level 3 requirements

I’m sorry guys! I know I’m not supposed to ramble anymore, but I can’t help it! :grimacing:

I just miss you all too much. :kissing_heart: :ic_angry:

@Belg you’re hitting on something very important.

IC-Wiki used to be such a place, and at its height we saw some incredible contributions and discussions. @Terror_of_the_Night himself helped to renew interest in this, but as I’m sure he’s discovered, it’s hard to get people involved in a ghost town. We simply don’t have the network effect we once did for an external tool to be successful.

Thankfully, Discourse also has wiki features, and we do have a network effect here. Despite some early naysayer’s predictions, our forums have proven to be successful and continue to grow:

Forum Usage Stats

Site Statistics

All Time Last 7 Last 30
Topics 1.6k 94 258
Posts 16.8k 947 2.5k
Users 694 2 26
Active Users 118 165
Likes 4.4k 113 584

So yes, we absolutely can and should aim to make the forum the place to be, including making smart usage of our wiki features here (this will be on our roadmap). This is also why in addition to pushing forum activity incentives, I’m testing things like Babble: it allows players to chat and use the forum at the same time within the same UI. It’s no Discord, but the potential for community gains are so much greater. Discord, while sexy, provides us little historical value.

Somebody asked me recently why I’m obsessing over the forum so much instead of focusing 100% on game fixes. The answer is that IC is nothing without its community, and if we truly want to reach our second golden age, we need a unified community identity.

There is a method to my madness. :crazy_face:

@Terror_of_the_Night you aren’t crazy, but “the council” is perhaps an improper way to see the new team. Besides, if a player is semi-retired but very knowledgable, what is stopping them from posting in #roadmap:ideas?

One of the new team’s responsibilities will be to consider feedback from the entire community, which will include such wise oldbies who as you mention will not have the same biases. This new team isn’t a council to ruminate for the sake of wisdom, it is a team that will lead to action. Experience is hugely important, but activity and movement is key.

Regarding that post reading requirement, it is capped specifically to address the issue you mention. If it does become problematic in the future, we can adjust it, but so far the 10 players who have met this criteria already have proven it to be within reach.

You are raising great points, and it’s great that we question these things. We should also however be aware of our purpose. There will be players who want this title for the sake of having clout, and we don’t need egos: we need activity.

@DustyAladdin, we can do a lot about how things look here. :smiley: Discourse supports custom themes. We have a lot of control over this, we just need somebody to do the work.

Any volunteers? :wink: