Less to do with the FAQ and more that it doesn’t hurt to challenge how it works.
I agree its current functionality leads to certain strategies, but given we don’t know whether this specific behavior was intentional, we also don’t know whether or not these strategies were born as a workaround to lack of dev foresight.
Like anything with IC, “that’s how it’s always been” isn’t much of an excuse to keep any specific functionality. Sure, it works fine now, but that doesn’t mean it can’t work better.
Than let’s move this topic from bugs and vote for it under ideas.
Note: do you want the 1 tick delay in nw calculation under bugs or ideas. The faq doesn’t state it gets only calculated start of tick.
The whole con building strategy is dependent on nw not being instant. Top fams utililize this this to built at 1/40th the cost of a regular built.
Agreed, I think we’ve sorted that this isn’t a bug.
@Zanharim, feel free to post your recommended DS behavior in an #support:ideas thread.
Regarding 1 tick delay, any change there is also probably better as an idea. It’s a very similar situation as this one; we also don’t know the original devs’ intentions.